Promote Your Paper

To improve the visibility of your IEEE published paper and influence in the field, consider using the guidelines outlined below.

Spreading the Word About Your Newly Published Paper

Once your paper is published, you can start publicizing it in a number of ways.

Creating and Using Social Media Networks to Maximize Visibility

Social media platforms are an essential means of extending your visibility and reach. Optimize their use by building up your social media network and presence and effectively crafting posts.

Building a Network and Presence on Social Media

You can start preparing to promote your paper even before publication by identifying and building up the networks most appropriate for your topics of interest.

Crafting Effective Posts

Using best practices such as the following can help you craft effective posts to maximize the visibility of your paper.

Gauging Your Paper’s Impact

Remember to track your paper’s performance by going to the paper’s homepage on IEEE Xplore, scrolling down to the Metrics section, and noting how many times your paper has been viewed, cited, and shared. These numbers are updated regularly so visit often.